Showing 37–48 of 65 results
Permanent registration
790,00 د.إ -
Permanent registration renewal
420,00 د.إ -
Planning For Research
500,00 د.إ -
Preliminary Registration
420,00 د.إ -
Preparing Your Healthcare Facility For Accreditation
500,00 د.إ -
Presenting In a Conference
500,00 د.إ -
Principles of Education
500,00 د.إ -
Project Management For Health Professionals
500,00 د.إ -
Quality & Accreditation in HPE institutions
500,00 د.إ -
Reporting of Research and Scientific Writing
500,00 د.إ -
Research Ethics
500,00 د.إ -
Research Methodology I (Planning research)
500,00 د.إ