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The Areas To Be Covered Include

CPD for health for Healthcare providers

Target participants

  • Healthcare professionals Training issues
  • Upskilling and reskilling courses and workshops in the various aspects of healthcare professions practice

Target participants Healthcare professionals Training issues

Target participants
Healthcare professionals and other interested practitioners
Training issues:

  • Research methodology for healthcare professionals and others
  • Evidence-based practice for healthcare professionals and others
  • Systematic reviews for healthcare professionals and others
  • The development of protocols and guidelines for healthcare professionals and others

Leadership, quality and accreditation

Target participants
Healthcare professions leaders and managers
Training issues:

  • Leadership and management
  • Principles and techniques of quality assurance and management
  • Accreditation of healthcare facilities, and healthcare education and training institutions

Educational technology, e-learning and digital transformation

Target participants
Healthcare professions educators and trainers
Training issues:

  • Educational technologies
  • Learning management systems
  • Videoconferencing applications
  • Creation and editing of education and training digital materials
  • Digital transformation for education and training